Factors to consider when expanding or automating a production line
29-03-2022 274
When designing and purchasing any piece of equipment for your production line today, think future modifications.
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A production line is a line of machinery at your factory or office where materials move through a process, completing production. For example, a bottling line will have a bottle from the start - when it's empty - all the way through until it's filled with contents, labeled, and packed into a box.
If your current production line is manual, then you are probably thinking of automating it. Alternatively, you already have an automated line and are looking to expand. Either way, you'll need to consider a few things:
Conveyors are like a giant metal snake passing through your work floor. One of the main reasons to use conveyors is to improve efficiency. If the conveyor belt design is not good, it will lead to two negative effects.
First, it would take up too much space without really achieving anything, and second, it would go against the whole idea of improving efficiency with a conveyor installation. This is why conveyor design should make the most of the available floor space without compromising existing productivity.
Equipment safety is almost always an exponent of training. If your device is easy to use, your employees will be able to use it safely, that's why, you should choose one with intuitive controls, with lots of intuitive elements on how to use it. operate. Along with being easy to use, it must also be packed with features to detect when something goes wrong.
Automated equipment for a production line usually consists of giant machines with many movements in them. When something has too many moving parts, it is bound to fail and has a short lifespan, that's why you should choose equipment with a long lifespan.
Conveyor belts and other production line equipment, just like any other piece of machinery, need regular attention. This includes keeping them clean, as dust can rust metal parts as well as corrode plastic and rubber parts in them, reducing life and output performance.
In order for that not to happen, the equipment must be easy to clean and not react adversely with the use of detergents. An additional consideration for cleaning is water resistance. If your manufacturing operation requires regular cleaning, make sure the equipment is designed to work with that.
Budget is something that plays a huge role when investing in any new machinery. Design, safety and all other features discussed till now will be for nothing if the chosen device is out of your budget. When looking at options, it's better to do a long-term cost/benefit calculation.
Along with reviewing existing requirements, you should also think about possible future additions to the production line equipment you purchase. You may consider adding to the existing length of the conveyor, extending the conveyor to reach more levels or to handle more weight.
Any of these situations are likely to arise in the near and distant future, so it is always possible to add other devices or accessories to the machinery you purchase. This is why, when designing and purchasing any piece of equipment for your production line today, think future modifications.
It is not without reason that the conveyor is likened to the circulation system of the factory. Installing new machinery or expanding any machinery in an existing production line will always be an important business decision that you should make after carefully considering the factors listed above.
If your current production line is manual, then you are probably thinking of automating it. Alternatively, you already have an automated line and are looking to expand. Either way, you'll need to consider a few things:

1. Conveyor Design
Conveyors are like a giant metal snake passing through your work floor. One of the main reasons to use conveyors is to improve efficiency. If the conveyor belt design is not good, it will lead to two negative effects.
First, it would take up too much space without really achieving anything, and second, it would go against the whole idea of improving efficiency with a conveyor installation. This is why conveyor design should make the most of the available floor space without compromising existing productivity.
2. Safety
Equipment safety is almost always an exponent of training. If your device is easy to use, your employees will be able to use it safely, that's why, you should choose one with intuitive controls, with lots of intuitive elements on how to use it. operate. Along with being easy to use, it must also be packed with features to detect when something goes wrong.
3. Longevity
Automated equipment for a production line usually consists of giant machines with many movements in them. When something has too many moving parts, it is bound to fail and has a short lifespan, that's why you should choose equipment with a long lifespan.
4. Effective cleaning
Conveyor belts and other production line equipment, just like any other piece of machinery, need regular attention. This includes keeping them clean, as dust can rust metal parts as well as corrode plastic and rubber parts in them, reducing life and output performance.
In order for that not to happen, the equipment must be easy to clean and not react adversely with the use of detergents. An additional consideration for cleaning is water resistance. If your manufacturing operation requires regular cleaning, make sure the equipment is designed to work with that.
5. Budget
Budget is something that plays a huge role when investing in any new machinery. Design, safety and all other features discussed till now will be for nothing if the chosen device is out of your budget. When looking at options, it's better to do a long-term cost/benefit calculation.
6. Premium Modification
Along with reviewing existing requirements, you should also think about possible future additions to the production line equipment you purchase. You may consider adding to the existing length of the conveyor, extending the conveyor to reach more levels or to handle more weight.
Any of these situations are likely to arise in the near and distant future, so it is always possible to add other devices or accessories to the machinery you purchase. This is why, when designing and purchasing any piece of equipment for your production line today, think future modifications.
It is not without reason that the conveyor is likened to the circulation system of the factory. Installing new machinery or expanding any machinery in an existing production line will always be an important business decision that you should make after carefully considering the factors listed above.