Mục lục
Learn about the roller system
The roller system is supported in a steel, stainless steel or profiled aluminum frame that moves the material by gravity, electricity or by hand. Roller system is used for moving products with hard bottom plane including cartons, plastic boxes, trays, pallets...Roller systems can be configured to work according to the position. installation as inclined, horizontal or bent.
Curved or diverted roller systems are suitable for small installations or for use in connecting other conveyor chains. With the roller system, steel, plastic, stainless steel rollers can be used... depending on the transmission application to set up. Thanks to the roller system, the materials can be moved longer distances easily without labor effort. Being able to move large goods over long distances is easy with a roller system.
Roller systems, due to their adaptability in many different environments, are widely used in industry and mainly in logistics and manufacturing. The system keeps the industry running at high efficiency, with the goal of optimal time reduction and cost savings.