7 key factors in choosing the right conveyor

02-04-2022 503

The right conveyor system.can sort items quickly and efficiently, allow processes to run smoothly up and down the line, and can move items between levels safely.

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There are many types of conveyors, each with unique capabilities and peripherals. Choosing a conveyor from all the options can seem like an extremely difficult task.

Modern conveyors do more than move materials. They are an integral part of complex material handling systems. The right conveyor system.can sort items quickly and efficiently, allow processes to run smoothly up and down the line, and can move items between levels safely.

Choosing the wrong conveyor for an application, even if it uses advanced technology, can damage warehouse efficiency and undermine long-term strategies.

At Intech Group, our goal with every new challenge is to provide strategic, visionary solutions. Furthermore, we know that the right solution will keep your long-term goals in mind. You don't want to buy a piece of equipment, you want to invest in the future of your facility.
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Key factors in choosing the right conveyor


1 - Early conveyor review

Usually, conveyor belts are considered as simple, non-value-added equipment. With this in mind, their upgrades, updates, and settings are less of a concern. However, a well-designed conveyor system is a value-added asset. Their proper selection is crucial to remain competitive in the global market. Conveyor belts are often considered the “artery” of a warehouse for good reason. It is a description of both the physical and their importance.

Conveyors are complex machines and to get their maximum benefit, conveyors should be among the first things considered in the budget and design of a project.

Whether your facility needs to increase productivity, improve health and safety standards, reduce damage or increase accuracy, there is a conveyor system that can help.

2 - Pay attention to the environment

What environments will your conveyor system interact with? Is the area cold enough to thicken the slime? Is there enough dust to cause further wear of gears, sprockets and chains? Wet enough to cause rust or other problems?

A single system may be exposed to more than one environmental hazard. For example, in food handling, conveyor belts can be over-cold in the freezer, overheated in the oven, heavily washed with chemicals, and have to be disassembled daily for cleaning.

Even in clean environments, the loads themselves can become an environmental consideration. Bottle is broken. The can is punctured. Metal shavings can become contaminated with oil or even become temporarily magnetized and find their way into gears. These problems can be solved cost-effectively, but must be considered early in the design process.

Another consideration is how the product will move between different environments. For example, conveyors that directly handle raw or cooked product have different requirements than later conveyors that can handle the same product after it has been packaged. Moving between those regions causes a degree of complexity.

3 - Material Storage

What types of products are being moved? Bulk materials have their own considerations, such as flowability, abrasion, and moisture.

Usually, conveyors need to move many items. In these cases, consideration of limiting factors is important. What is the heaviest and lightest, largest and smallest, and most fragile object? Looking for solutions that can handle the extremes will narrow your options.

How the loads will handle the speed and flow of the conveyor system must also be considered, especially at transfer and accumulation points. Fragile items may not hold up during sudden stops and starts.

To handle this, the engine can be tweaked for soft start. Accumulation can be low pressure, zero pressure, or even non-contact, minimizing the risk of damage.

4 - Consider modularity and scalability

One of the main disadvantages of conveyor systems is that they are relatively large, conveyors take up space and block aisles.

This issue is especially true when conveyor belts are purchased directly from the manufacturer. Instead of having a system specifically designed for your needs, you may have to redesign your warehouse to meet your manufacturer's conveyor limitations.
Many conveyors today are both modular and extensible. This means that a small system can be designed to meet your immediate needs. As your business grows, the same module can be easily reconfigured or scaled up to become part of your larger solution.

This way your original investments are not lost in the redesign. Instead, original design is seen as your growth potential, and initial solutions to relatively small problems are incorporated into later solutions to larger problems.

5 - Planning for processes and needs

How much material is being moved? How many hours per day and how many days a week does the system operate? What is cycle time?

Frequent stops and starts mean a more powerful engine is needed. At the same time, reducing unused systems will help reduce energy bills. Remember that gravity can act as a source of energy. Sliding or sliding wheel conveyors can simply be set at an incline, saving money and energy.

6 - Set broad goals

Your immediate goal for your current system. If an establishment hopes to add a new product line, planning for the needs the new product will place on the system is critical to realizing system ROI. Designing a system that can meet both current and future needs will mean less redesign or replacement.

The same is true for targeted throughput and accuracy or changes to the layout of the workplace. If you have a market expansion plan and will need to significantly increase production and inventory, the best design would be one that can be scaled to meet those needs.

7 - Talk to professional system integrators

Intech Group designs superior conveyor systems Our expertise is to help you handle materials in the best, easiest and safest way. Our job is to know how all the different machines and their accompanying software work together. Our mission is to help you plan your growth strategy. We want to design a system that fixes your existing problems, works within your existing facility as much as possible, and keeps your larger goals in focus.


Want to learn more about planning, budgeting, and choosing the right conveyor system for your needs? Contact us to discuss details at Hotline: 024 66 806 795

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