What is Vacuum Conveyor?

02-04-2022 892

Vacuum conveyors use pressure differentials to make materials move from one end to the other. The pressure difference is due to a vacuum where the material will be ”pulled” towards the negative pressure head from one or more intakes.

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Conveyors and other forms of material handling equipment have made mass production accessible to most designers. These systems allow for quick movement of items across workspaces and keep movement orderly and logical. There are many material handling methods, depending on the purpose of use to choose the right type of conveyor.

This article will dive into the vacuum conveyors about their main functions, types and applications, so that anyone interested in this technology will have a better idea of ​​their characteristics and how to make them. an efficient vacuum conveying system.

What is Vacuum Conveyor?

Vacuum conveyors are a subgroup of pneumatic conveyors, so it might be helpful to preview our article on pneumatic conveyors.

In a word, vacuum conveyors use pressure differentials to make the material move from one end to the other. The pressure difference is due to a vacuum, where the material will be "pulled" towards the negative pressure head from one or more intakes. This mechanism works best with fine powders and dry powders, as they can be easily captured by the airflow created by the conveyor.

The benefit of using negative pressure over a positive (or "push") pressure system is twofold. It prevents excessive accumulation of dust, and it also causes any leaks in the system to leak inside, preventing material loss. Thus, vacuum conveyors are ideal for larger applications where loose material enters the conveyor from bags, wagons, silos and other containers. They are inherently self-cleaning.
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Vacuum Conveyor Application

There are many applications for vacuum conveying, as moving powder materials has been notoriously difficult in the past. They are both versatile and efficient, making them useful for recycling, plastic production, chemical and food production, and other general transportation operations.

Tubes can be manipulated to move around existing equipment, making them modular and low profile, but be aware that additional bends in the system will present more opportunities for material build-up in the track. Go. They are widely used in pharmaceutical factories, blacksmiths, food and chemical processing facilities, etc. thanks to its easy-to-use and low-loss design.

Types of Vacuum Conveyors

There are several important types of vacuum conveyors that need to be understood before specifying a vacuum system. This section will briefly explain each type and its main uses so anyone interested knows what to look for.

1- Dilution Vacuum Conveyor

The dilution vacuum conveyor realizes high velocity gas flow at low pressure for product continuity. Dilute vacuum conveyors are typically made for materials that tend not to pack under pressure and for longer distances. High-speed motion transfers more force to the product, so fragile materials are not normally transported through these systems.

Dilution vacuum conveyors are particularly useful for hazardous applications, as the vacuum will reduce exposure to any toxins, making them a valuable addition to chemical processing plants and food, agriculture and other industries. If your materials are hazardous or strong enough to withstand high speeds, consider a dilution conveyor.

2 - Dense phase vacuum conveyor

In contrast to the dilute phase conveyor, the dense phase conveyor is run using controlled vacuum and low velocity, producing discrete, slow moving products throughout the system. The goal of the slow, dense phase generation is to prevent excess stress, allowing these conveyors to move fragile material while still using the pneumatic system. They also prevent excess buildup in the tube.

This setup can also move heavier materials, making them useful in high volume applications. While slower than dilution conveyors, dilution conveyors gently transport product and are ideal for highly automated and regulated applications. Finds applications in bulk shipping, abrasives (sugar, salt, etc.), plastic manufacturing and other fragile applications.

Specifications and selection criteria

Giving your supplier some useful specifications can make finding the right vacuum conveyor faster and easier. This section will outline some important metrics to identify so they have a better idea of ​​your application and needs. Note that this list contains only basic specifications.

1 - Distance, flow rate and bulk density

Understand the required distance and speed of product movement, as well as the bulk density of your product. Vacuum conveyors are inherently based on what they are conveying, so these values ​​will be needed to determine the right pipe diameter, length, number of inputs and outputs, as well as the type of foot conveyor. will not use.

The bulk density of a material is usually given in grams per cubic centimeter and is a key factor in calculating the size of both the line and the vacuum collector. There is in-depth mathematical analysis when specifying vacuum conveyors, so providing your supplier with an estimate for length, flow rate and material characteristics will help in selecting the right type of conveyor. necessary, needs.

2 - Conveyor protection and features

Where is your system upstream process i.e. where do your ingredients come from? Also, is your system batch or continuous? Finally, what is your particle size and what filters, vents and fans will you need to tackle this type of product?

These specifications will not only influence the design of vacuum conveyor belts, but also address key application concerns at hand. Identifying these characteristics will ensure the conveyor belts work properly and integrate seamlessly into your plant, so make sure they are outlined in advance.

3 - Controls, environment and special considerations

Vacuum conveyors, especially the concentrated phase type, are excellent additions to directional control and automation systems. If this is necessary for your application, make sure the right equipment is included in the design.

Also, explain the work environment and its potential hazards such as high humidity, alkalinity, heat, cold or anything else that could affect the integrity of the material in the ice system. your download. Finally, lay out any unresolved considerations specific to your needs so your supplier can select a conveyor that meets your unique requirements.


This article presents an understanding of what vacuum conveyors are and their types, designs, and uses to help understand how to create an efficient vacuum conveying system. For more information on related products, please refer to our other guides at website: www.intechvietnam.com

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